What Is G Force in Vibration Machines?

GForce Portable 1500W – Dual Motor Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine

If you have used a vibration machine, you must have come across the phrase G force. Most people feel confused when they come across the phrase G force when shopping for a vibration machine for the first time. In vibration machines, G stands for gravitation thus G force means gravitation force. However; when it comes to vibration machines, G force is not actually a force. It is acceleration that a vibration machine is capable of producing on the body. The acceleration is expressed in units of G.

The G force of a vibration machine is determined by frequency, amplitude, and the time phase of the object. The manufacturers of whole-body vibration plates, therefore, tend to use it as an important vibration intensity indicator. The manufacturers may calculate G force using different formulas and different criteria but the criteria or formula used does not change its definition.  It is the acceleration, measured in terms of the earth’s acceleration. G force is the acceleration that a machine is capable of producing on an exercise taker standing on the vibration machine.

High G-force means that the body experiences higher acceleration which has a higher impact on the body. Vibration machines with smaller vibration platforms that can be easily moved fast and a stronger motor that can move and accelerate the platform fast produce a higher G-force. The vibration machines with larger platform sizes tend to have a lower acceleration. The acceleration of a vibration machine can be affected by the size of the vibration platform, the weight of the user, and the motor. If the vibration machine is an old motor or a less powerful motor, it will have a lower acceleration. On the other hand, if the user weighs more, the acceleration of the vibration machine will be lower.

G force is therefore very important for manufacturers of vibration machines. It helps them determine the maximum weight capacity of the user on the machine. It also helps them create vibration machines to meet different purposes including rehabilitation and fitness purposes. Vibration machines with a lower G force are used for rehabilitation purposes and for people who want to improve their health through vibration training. Vibration machines with a high G force are used for fitness. They can be used for toning muscles, losing weight, and burning fat since they produce high acceleration.

If you are looking for a vibration machine to do lymphatic drainage, joint relaxation, and detox; consider getting a vibration machine with low acceleration. Those looking to lose weight and burn more calories should get a vibration machine with a high G force. When you understand the meaning of the phrase, it becomes easy for you to identify and select the vibration machine that not only suits your budget but also matches your purpose. We hope that you now have a better understanding of the G force and that you will not feel confused the next time you come across the phrase when shopping for a vibration machine.

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